The Z32 ignition coil assembly is made up of three parts. The coil/body, an intermediary extension tube, and the plug boot. These components pull apart without damage and the center extension tube can be removed. The fitting on the discharge of the coil has the same, flanged tip that the plug boot attaches to on the extension tube. The discharge on the coil also has a spring-loaded carbon conductor just like what the extension tube has to conduct the high-voltage discharge into the spark plug terminal.Shortening the coil pack in this manner will allow it to be fitted in a much lower position into the cylinder heads when the plastic spark plug tunnel housing is removed. Adding mounting provisions to the intake valve covers will allow them to be properly secured in position and provide ample clearance for the new intake manifold design. You dont have to buy different coil packs for the new intake manifold. Provisions for using OEM coils will be built into the new intake valve covers that will be a part of the kit.
Enthusiasts soon understand each other. --W. Irving. Are you an enthusiast? If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor. Albert Einstein